Elias Geyer - Ostrich Egg Wine Bottle

Germany, Naumberg

Likely 19th century or later

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 48.24.21a

Project Summary

The object was polished to return luster to the silver and remove heavy tarnish on the object prior to display in the World Made Wondrous exhibition at LACMA. I worked with conservator Jessica Chasen on the project. I was responsible for the base of the piece.

See full treatment report here.


  • The base was removed from the ostrich and egg and submerged in deionized water and Surfonic JL-80X surfactant and cleaned with a soft bristled brush to begin reducing tarnish.

  • Aqueous cleaning of the base using calcium carbonate mixed with 1:1 deionized water:ethanol

  • The base was again rinsed with deionized water and dried using microfiber towels and compressed air.

Before treatment

After treatment

Before Treatment Photographs

After Treatment Photographs